IJWCA's   Web Bulletin Vol. 8   (1st Issue 26th October, 2005) Uploaded on 3rd March 2025

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Indo -Japan Language Studies Society

Address- 18/4, Pramathesh Barua Sarani (Ballygunge Circular Road),

Kolkata-700019 | | Website: www.ijwca.org
Email ID: indojapanwca@gmail.com

The objective of these courses is to introduce Japanese Language to the
learners so that they can communicate in this language as well as understand

Japanese culture.

 We will start nest session from 3rd February 2025 for off line classes. The
application forms for the same will be available from 13 th January, 2025 at the cost

Rs.10/- from 10:00am-6.00p.m.

(Mon-Sat) with our watchman. Students are requested
to submit the filled up forms and fees
physically at the IJLSS office from 20 th January, 2025.
From 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.(Monday - Thursday)
Each course will continue for 6 months.
Beginnersf course is held on Monday and Wednesday.

Other courses are Junior Course and Intermediate Course. For other courses, the
days can be fixed after discussion with the respective teachers.
Fees of all courses are Rs. 5000.00 (Rupees five thousand) only – to be paid at
the time of admission.

  Photocopies of Text Book will be provided by the Institution.
Crash Courses: We also provide Crash Course depending on onefs urgency of
Indo-Japan Language Studies Society


Keeping in mind the studentsf demand for JLPT preparatory courses, the new
course structure from
January 2025 session, will be as follows:
NEW - JLPT orientation course for N5, N4 and N3 will be offered.
Students will be eligible for enrolment as per their proficiency.

o These classes will be held once a week, duration 1.5 hrs., - total of
20 classes.

o Each batch will comprise of 5 to 10 students.

o Fees - Rs.6000.00 –N5, Rs.7000.00 –N4, and Rs. 8000.00 –N3 for each Student.

o Interested students may register their names from second week of Dec. 2024.


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